The Island of West Caicos is a 6,000-acre private island located just off the coast of Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Within this unique setting, the four-phased Molasses Reef development will be a private ultra-exclusive development.
125 key five-star hotel and 100+ Island Villas, with units averaging in size of 3,000 square feet.
Also includes large marina, 130 acres of beachfront property and numerous cottage communities with a total value in excess of $1 billion dollars.
ProNet was presented the opportunity to become involved with this development through an existing relationship with the original land-owner, Logwood Development, and since becoming involved ProNet has become an active member of the Logwood Development team, whereby Matt McDonald sits on the Logwood Development Co. Board and the Hotel Company Board, and holds an active day to day involvement within the development of West Caicos. Scott Boatman sits on the Board for Co-Developer, Logwood Develop Company, and is also actively engaged in the development of the project.